Friday, February 13, 2015

Special album for Third Grade

Dear Parents,

I'd like to make you aware of a project which is taking place  in our classroom throughout the school year.

We are preparing a special album with pictures of each individual child that reflects the educational activities of the holidays in which they participated.
You will receive this at the end of the year as a special keepsake from Third Grade.

With your permission, I am asking that each parent help to subsidize part of the cost.
The total cost of each album is $10.
Please send the money in cash or check form to CTA by Friday, February 27th.

Thank you very much
for your support and cooperation.
Todah Rabbah,

Moreh Dror

3rd - Weekly Planner

We are studying Unit # 3 – Chapter 24 verses 1-9.
You will find the workbook of Unit # 1 + 2  in the blue folder .
Please take time to review the material With your child and sign it.

tefillah We are studying about Tefillah from a Program and using new colorful workbooks .

Holidays We are studying about PURIM.

Thursday: 2/19 - vocabulary test  - No. 15
Almost every week there will be new vocabulary words to learn for Thursday's test. Students will also be expected to review words from previous weeks.  The words can be found in the folder and the blog .

Thursday: 2/12 - Judaic folder goes Home (the blue folder) In it you will find:
1.Tests and work that students completed.       2.Weekly Parsha page.
3. Vocabulary page for next week.   4. Other information.

Wednesday: 2/18 - Reading Page #15 is due -  Please make sure to return the blue folder with the completed homework assignment.  

4th - Weekly Planner

Chumash - parashat - VaYetze
We are studying Unit # 3 – Chapter 32 verses 23-33. You will find the workbook of Unit # 1-2 in the folder .  Please take time to review the material With your child and sign it.

The book of Yehoshua -  We are studying Unit # 3 You will find the workbook of Unit # 1-2 in the folder .

tefillah We are studying about Tefillah from a Program and using new colorful workbooks .

Thursday: 2/19- vocabulary test  - No. 15
Almost every week there will be new words to the test, but  the students will be also will  tested  the old words that they received the previous week. The words can be found in the folder and the blog.
Wednesday: 2/18 - Reading Page #15 is due -  Please make sure to return the blue folder with the completed homework assignment. 

Thursday: 2/12 - Judaic folder (the purple folder)